Individual Calf Pens

Individual Calf Pens

The metal structures of the cage are made of steel with a corrosion-resistant coating in the form of hot-dip galvanisation.


Individual Calf Pens are used in calf preventive houses. This is a specially designated room with a special climate. Newly born calves are moved there for fattening and drinking. The calves spend their first days of life in well-equipped cages. Here they are provided with cleanliness, peace and care.

Dimensions of one preventive care cage: width 900 mm, depth 1200 mm, height 1200 mm. Height from floor – 400mm. The floor of the cage is a wooden planking made of antiseptic timber (slatted floor). Thickness of the timber is 40 mm. The cage structure is easily assembled and dismantled for disinfection. This makes it easy to reach calves for feeding and treatment. The wicket door of the prophylactic cage has a teat fitting as well as a feeding bucket. On customer’s request we can supply buckets, basins and one feeding bucket per two cages. The preventorium cages can be made individually or in groups of 2-20 cages, depending on the size of the preventorium, which lowers the price per cage considerably. The floor preventorium for calves consists of universal components; bakelite or moisture resistant plywood is used as walls.

If the pen is in an insulated room, the calves are kept in individual cages with a raised floor, which also facilitates cleaning under the cages. To isolate the animals, the side walls of the cages are made solid. The cages are made of galvanized steel and the side walls are made of Bakelite or moisture-resistant plywood to facilitate sanitation of the cages after the calf housing period is over.

The cage components shall be assembled using fasteners without welding.

You can buy and order Individual Calf Pens in Estonia from us.

Newborn calves enter the calf preventorium from the calving stalls


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